This week I pet a gray whale. It felt like an eggplant. A 40 ton eggplant.
Get yourself to Laguna Ojo de Liebre -- a whale sanctuary in Baja Mexico
where pregnant Pacific Gray Whales from Alaska come to give birth.
Gray whales – the oldest species of whale alive on the planet today – migrate to this calving lagoon
because the water is warm, only 50 feet deep, and protected from predators.
Lifelong whale researcher & enthusiast Shari Bondy
has earned the trust of the whales in this lagoon
and offers "educational, intimate, naturalist guided whale watching excursions"
for only 3 months of the year (Jan-Feb-March).
This week I spent a few hours in this special lagoon on one of Shari's tours
watching whales breach, spy hop, rest in their happy place,
teach their newborns how to swim,
and approach our boat looking for connection & love.
Shari Bondy and her Whale Magic Tours are simply extraordinary.
I hope to make this an annual trip. You can too.
* Shout out to Mexico, for leading the world in whale conservation efforts *